"As The World Turns" was airing on CBS the afternoon of November 22, 1963, when Walter Cronkite broke in to tell the nation that President Kennedy had been shot. Coverage then went back to the soap opera, but not for long. Charles Osgood reports on how America learned of the shooting of a president.
The people who lived through November 22, 1963 remember the moment - where they were, what they were doing - when the news of President Kennedy's death came. The nation and world stopped and came together to mourn the president. pic.twitter.com/UQrZslGVNe
— JFK Library (@JFKLibrary) November 22, 2021
It was a couple years before I was born, but I was named after JFK so I’m a strident of that day and his life. I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving. Be well. 🙏🏼
— JF 🇵🇭🇺🇸🌊 (@JFPerseveranda) November 22, 2021