Thanksgiving: Nati & Natalia

The retired nurse & the granddaughter following in her footsteps

Thanksgiving 2023. Benicia, CA. November 23, 2023.

Nati is my mom's nickname. Her first name is Lualhati.

Chesca's first name, Francesca, was chosen by her mom (which happened to be on my short list).

Since I had given my first two kids three names (since I had three names JFR), Chesca's full name was supposed to be 'Natalia Joy Francesca.'

Chesca was supposed to be my JF! 😁 Natalia was for my mom, and Joy was for my sister. But at the last second, I dropped the 'Joy' so it's not on her baptismal certificate.

So Chesca, I named you after two nurses. And you're still my JF. That's why you're so awesome. 😂

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